Abbotswood, Romsey
UK > Southampton > League > 01 - Abbotswood Score
The first event in the SOC MapRun League. Weekly events in April and May 2021. More info here.
Location: Start and Finish are at Abbotswood Community Centre, Romsey, SO51 0BX: Lat/Long: 51.003754, -1.473330. Grid ref: SU370228. What3Words: adjusting.cosmic.remarking
Format: 45 minutes, 30 controls. Points are 10, 20, or 30 per control: 10 points for 1 - 10, 20 points for 11 to 20, and 30 points for 21 to 30. There is a penalty of 10 points per minute late back or part thereof.
MapRun app: Use MapRunF or, preferably, the new MapRun6 app. Do not use the original MapRun app as it does not understand the score format. When navigating to the event, select "UK", then "Southampton" (not "Hampshire"), and then "League". See the MapRun website for guidance on configuring your phone.
Map: Two map formats are available, Stick and Pseud-O. Controls are easier to see on the Stick map. The Pseud-O map shows fences and is much easier to read the road network.
Terrain: Nine of the controls are in the nature reserve which, at the moment, is very muddy and slippery. If you have shoes with good grip that are also suitable for tarmac use them! All other controls are in the residential areas. (Update 5 April: the reserve is now pretty dry and road shoes were fine.)
Safety: There are lots of road crossings. Under 16's should be accompanied by an adult. All fences are not to be climbed (whether marked on the map or not).
Facilities: There is a Co-op store, open until 10pm daily and a highly recommended chippy, open 4pm - 9pm daily.
UK > Southampton > Abbotswood 2021 White (1.4km)
The white course provides an ideal introduction to using MapRun with simple navigation. Suitable for beginners but junior should be accompanied by an adult.
Location: Parking at Abbotswood Community Centre. The Start and Finish are a short walk away.
Safety: There is some traffic on the course. Under 16s should be accompanied by an adult.
The event will be available on the MapRun app from 02/04/21. There is a bonus extra day on Good Friday (as there is a SOC event on Easter Saturday which a lot of us are doing). For your run to count in the League, you must complete the 45min score course between 02/04/21 and 11/04/21. After that, you can still have a go at the course but it won't count for the League.
Map files of the courses (PDF format) can be found below.
There is a separate control description sheet for the Score. No CDs for the White. The White course control codes are the same as the control number.
As at 3rd April 14:45 new score maps have been uploaded. Following feedback from Ian Wells (thanks 'H') a path leading to one of the controls has been revised to show it as out of bounds - it doesn't exist on the ground. If you are using the map directly on your phone please be aware that one hasn't been updated. The path to the NE of control 12 doesn't exist.