Level C on a previous November Classic map. Parking at Ocknell as per the NC 2024.
Toilets will be provided at registration and Tom Wilkinson will provide refreshments (as per NC2024)
A bag drop will be provided between the start and finish points, which are 300m apart.
Kindly note there is a 20 Minute walk from Registration to the start/Finish, which will be taped and include an unmanned road crossing.
Signup via Racesignup
Racesignup is open.
Request for HELPERS…
Any one who wants to help, should let me know as there are plenty of roles available.
Flag hanging
I still need people to help Mark put out the SI units starting at 0730 on the 19 Jan.
All insomniacs should apply as well as anyone who fancies an early walk in the forest.
Here are the final details (I hope)
Follow the yellow brick road to racesignup
Normally the organiser thanks the helpers after the event, which if it doesn't go to plan I will do. But I thought you should all know that over thirty people have offered to help, with some doing two roles; your assistance is greatly appreciated and I wish you all a carefree day and a good run.