Many thanks to all of you who supported this event and in particular to the volunteers who helped plan, organise, put out and collect controls and to Simon Farrington of Emit UK for providing the electronic punching equipment and his time to provide the results service.
A thumb compass was left behind after the event. If it is yours, please contact
to be reunited with it.
Thanks Terry and Simon forβ¦
Thanks Terry and Simon for getting the results posted so promptly and for your help.
Thanks to Mary for organising with Di's help on the night, and to Kevin, Mike and Roger in putting out and getting in controls. The area is testing for a night event and I was pleased that 31 came and gave it a go. I knew it would be very hard to to get optimum route and get all the controls in the hour, and so it proved Well done to Rob Finch - pity you didn't notice the control at Janesmoor Pond - a site impossible to use during the day, because of the proximity to the public car park, Colin Hicks - planner.